Here is the latest recap of the events and conferences the EVU team has participated in:
- Ronja participated in the European Policy Center’s invitation-only event called “Aligning Short-Term Measures on Food Security with the Long-Term Goals of the European Green Deal.” This event was part of the project ‘Managing the Crises of Today and Tomorrow.’
- Caroline attended an online event focused on reducing the environmental impact of food by Vegoforum. She also participated in the online event “Towards a European Food Policy Council / Sustainable Food System.” organised by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). In addition, Caroline took part in a Twitter chat called #EEAGRIFOOD hosted by Euractiv.
- In May, Caroline joined several online events, including “Carrefours de l’Innovation Agronomique. PAC 2023-202?7 : Levier de transformation de l’agriculture française ou rendez-vous manqué face aux défis climatique et environnementa” organised by the Institut Agro Rennes-Angers. Caroline also attended an event called “Working Towards the Inclusion of a Plant-Based Diet in Public Policy” organised by PlantEurope.