EVU comments on Farm to Fork publication
On 20 May 2020, the long-awaited and repeatedly postponed “Farm to Fork Strategy” (F2F) of the European Commission has been published. F2F is part of the Commission’s “Green Deal”, which seeks to put the European Union on a more sustainable, environmental- and climate-friendly path.
Corona and the latest developments in the agricultural sector
75% of emerging viral diseases originate in animals. This makes the coronavirus only the latest in line of so-called zoonotic diseases such as swine flu, avian flu, Ebola and HIV, causing more and more experts to urge mankind to rethink our relationship to animals, both wild and domesticated.
Millions to promote meat-eating
In mid-February 2020, the Guardian pointed to 60 Million Euros in EU subsidies going to advertisements for European meat products.
Will the “Farm-to-Fork” Strategy deliver on diet shift?
As the new European Commission picked up its work at the end of 2019 and promised a new “Green Deal” for all policy sectors, things in the agriculture and food sector started to get moving at the beginning of 2020, as well.
EP debate on meat charge
On 5 February 2020, the True Animal Protein Price Coalition (TAPPC) from the Netherlands co-hosted a debate at the European Parliament together with Compassion in World Farming (CIWF) about their report on a sustainability charge for meat. Ronja Berthold from EVU was also present and followed the discussions.