Europe’s largest pork exporter found guilty of greenwashing

Danish Crown, Europe’s largest pork exporter, has been found guilty of using misleading climate advertising, marking a significant victory for the Vegetarian Society of Denmark (DVF) following a court decision in by the Western High Court in Viborg, Denmark. This ruling emphasises the urgency for transparency in the food industry’s environmental claims and challenges the pervasive issue of greenwashing.

The case, in which the DVF accused Danish Crown of misrepresenting the climate impact of pork production, shows once again the need to better recognise the environmental footprint of meat production more generally. Rune-Christoffer Dragsdahl, General Secretary of the DVF remarked that: ‘’It has been well known for more than 17 years that meat production, including pork, has a huge climate impact. However, around the world, we still see large meat companies trying to greenwash by claiming that their products have certain ‘climate benefits’’ and that ‘’Today’s verdict sends a resounding message, not only within Denmark but throughout Europe.’’.

This verdict holds companies accountable for their environmental claims and highlights the importance of providing consumers with accurate information about their food choices. As Europe faces the critical challenge of mitigating climate change effects, the EVU views the transition to plant-based diets as essential and hopes that this legal precedent will inspire further action against greenwashing and promote a shift towards more environmentally responsible food production practices.

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